Belhoul, YacineYahiaoui, SaïdKheddouci, Hamamache2013-11-212013-11-212010-02 routing protocols designed for wireless mobile ad hoc networks, DSDV from the proactive class and AODV from the reactive one, are well known. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of these protocols using NS-2 simulator. We use three mobility models, namely: the RWP entity model, as well as the RPGM and Column group models. Scenarios considered in simulations take into account several factors that affect the performance of routing protocols. We compare them in term of average end-to-end delay, normalized routing load, and packet delivery fraction. The results we obtain show that the performance of routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks strongly depends on the used mobility models and the considered scenarios.Performance EvaluationRouting ProtocolsMobility modelsWireless Mobile Ad hoc NetworksMobility and Performance of Routing Protocols in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc NetworksTechnical ReportCERIST-DTISI/RR--10-000000002--dz