Boukhari, ChahiraDerhab, AbdelouahidGuerroumi, Mohamed2018-03-122018-03-122017-12-11 this paper, we propose a collaborative detection and re- sponse framework against SQL injection attacks in IoT-based smart grids. The framework is composed of a set of host-based detection sys- tems; each of which is deployed at a smart meter, in addition, at the data management server. When an attack at one host is detected, the network administrator is noti ed and remotely patches the other hosts. The detection engine is lightweight as each smart meters analyzes the log le associated with its network traffic. Hence, the framework is sacalable to large IoT-based smart grids as the detection task is performed by each smart meter and does not rely on a single component. Prelimary results are promising in terms of true positive and false positive rates.oIoT-based Smart gridSQL injectionlog lecollaborative detectionCollaborative detection and response framework against SQL injection attacks in IoT-based smartConference paper