Lassouaoui, NadiaHamami, Latifa2013-12-022013-12-022003-070-7803-7946-2 paper deals with the segmentation problem of cervical cell images. Knowing that the malignity criteria appear on the morphology of the core and the cytoplasm of each cell, then, the goal of this segmentation is to separate each cell on its component, that permits to analyze separately their morphology (size and shape) in the recognition step, for deducing decision about the malignity of each cell. For that, we use a multifractal algorithm based on the computation of the singularity exponent on each point of the image. For increasing the quality of the segmentation, we propose to add an optimization step based on genetic algorithms. The proposed processing has been tested on several images. Herein, we present some results obtained by two cervical cell images.Application softwareBiological cellsComputer visionFractalsGenetic algorithmsGenetic mutationsImage segmentationGenetic algorithms and multifractal segmentation of cervical cell imagesConference paperIEEE Computer Society10.1109/ISSPA.2003.1224800