Djenouri, DjamelBalasingham, Ilangko2013-05-252013-05-252009-070302-9743 new routing protocol for wireless sensor networks is proposed in this paper. The proposed protocol focuses on medical applications, by considering its traffic diversity and providing a differentiation routing using quality of service (QoS) metrics. The design is based on modular and scalable approach, where the protocol operates in a distributed, localized, computation and memory efficient way. The main contribution of this paper is data traffic based QoS with regard to all the considered QoS metrics, notably reliability, latency, and energy. To our best knowledge, this protocol is the first that makes use of the diversity in the data traffic while considering latency, reliability, residual energy in the sensor nodes, and transmission power between sensor nodes as QoS metrics of the multi-objective problem. Simulation study comparing the protocol with state-of-the QoS and geographical routing protocols shows that it outperforms all the compared protocols.Wireless sensor networksgeographic routingmulti-objective routingBrief Announcement on MOGRIBA: Multi-Objective Geographical Routing for Biomedical Applications of Wireless Sensor NetworksConference paperSpringer Verlag10.1007/978-3-642-05434-1_16