Lasla, NoureddineDerhab, AbdelouahidOuadjaout, AbdelraoufBagaa, MiloudBadache, Nadjib2013-11-242013-11-242011-02 location information is used by many sensor network applications, localization is considered a keystone in their design. Existing localization protocols can be classi ed as range-based or range-free approaches. Range- based approaches are costly as they require embedding each sensor node with an additional hardware to estimate inter-node distances. In contrast, the range-free approaches are cheaper, and they estimate node position by collecting information from some special nodes with known location called anchors. Thus, compared with range- based approaches, the range-free ones are more suitable for WSNs. In this paper, we propose PIV (Point In half Vesica-piscis), a new distributed range-free localization protocol for wireless sensor networks. PIV is designed based on the geometric concept of Vesica-piscis, which helps to relax some unrealistic assumptions and incur the lower cost. Complexity analysis and simulations results show that PIV has the lowest message cost among the existing localization schemes and o ers the best trade-o between location accuracy and ratio of localized nodes.LocalizationWireless sensor networksAccuracySymmetric lensCentroidAnchorPoint In half symmetric LEns : A new range-free localization protocol for wireless sensor networksTechnical ReportCERIST-DTISI/RR--11-000000002--dz