Bal, KamalNouali, Omar2013-11-212013-11-212009-12 this paper, we are interested in content oriented XML information retrieval whose aim is to retrieve not a list of relevant documents, but only fragments of document (XML element) relevant to the user information need. Retrieved XML elements must not only contain relevant information but also be at good level of granularity. Retrieved elements must cover as well as the information need and be focused on this need (does not speak other non relevant topics). The majority of approaches developed in this context consider some relevance factors and aggregate theme globally to have a unique value called rsv (retrieval status value) for each element. We present in this paper an approach of XML retrieval where factor’s aggregation is done not on relevance factor’s values level but on relevance factor’s preference relations which models each factor.XML RetrievalRelevance criteriaPartial aggregationOutrankingContent-Oriented XML Retrieval with partial aggregation of relevance factorsTechnical ReportCERIST-DSISM/RR--09-000000015--dz