Djenouri, Djamel2013-09-152013-09-152012-10 likelihood estimators (MLE) for time synchronization parameters of receiver-to-receiver protocols are derived. The MLE are first provided for a single-hop model, then generalized to a multi-hop model. The appropriate Cramer- Rao lower bounds (CRLB) for the estimators are then derived, which serves as a theoretical lower bound to any unbiased estimator. The proposed estimators are compared with their respective CRLB through simulation in multi-hop scenarios of up-to eight hops. The results show fast convergence of the estimation precision to the CRLB and demonstrate a high precision, where the mean square error (MSE) does not exceed 10Time synchronization, Estimators, Maximum likelihood.Theoretical Estimators and Lower-Bounds for Receiver-to-Receiver Time Synchronization in Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksConference paperIEEE/IET10.1049/cp.2012.2084978-1-84919-550-8