Kafi, Mohamed AmineBen Othman, JalelMokdad, LyndaBadache, Nadjib2016-12-052016-12-052017-02http://dl.cerist.dz/handle/CERIST/868Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) utilisation is characterised by its dense deployment in order to fulfil the monitoring tasks. This density of communication leads to interference and congestion. In a previous work, a schedule scheme dubbed REFIACC (Reliable, Efficient, Fair and Interference Aware Congestion Control), that takes into account interferences and different links capacities in order to avoid packet loss due congestion, was proposed. REFIACC idea was validated using comparative simulations. In this study, REFIACC scheduling scheme was modelled using Markov chains. The modelling concerns queue length evolution and global system throughput. Different hypothesis details for queue length monitoring, according to application motivation, have led to many variants of models. The evaluation of the model using MATLAB has shown its effectiveness concerning packet reception ratio and reception overhead.Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)Queuing systemsQueuing networksPerformance analysisREFIACCPerformance analysis and evaluation of REFIACC using queuing networksArticle