Boudebza, SouadBerkani, LamiaAzouaou, FaiçalNouali, Omar2013-11-282013-11-282013978-3-319-00559-1 address in this paper the need of improving knowledge reusability within online Communities of Practice of E-learning (CoPEs). Our approach is based on contextual semantic annotations. An ontological-based contextual semantic annotation model is presented. The model serves as the basis for implementing a context aware annotation system called “CoPEAnnot”. Ontological and rule-based context reasoning contribute to improving knowledge reuse by adapting CoPEAnnot’s search results, navigation and recommendation.The proposal has been experimented within a community of learners.Community of practice of e-learningE-learningKnowledge reuseSemantic annotationContextReasoningSemantic Annotations and Context Reasoning to Enhance Knowledge Reuse in e-LearningBook ChapterSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg10.1007/978-3-319-00560-7_45978-3-319-00560-7