Kafi, Mohamed AmineTandjaoui, Djamel2013-06-042013-06-042011-04-10http://dl.cerist.dz/handle/CERIST/158Throughput is the main concern in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). The standard congestion control mechanism of TCP[7] is not able to handle the special properties of a shared wireless multi-hop channel well. Given that the unreliable wireless links and congestion are likely to be the source of throughput degradation in the network, reliable transport protocol conception dealing with wireless links properties can significantly improve the performance of such networks. This paper presents a novel transport protocol called MTCP, which covers these needs. Simulation results show that MTCP outperform TCP and its ad-hoc wireless variants in terms of reliability and congestion control.Wireless Mesh NetworksTransport protocolTCPReliabilityCongestion controlA Novel transport protocol for wireless mesh networksConference paper