Mekhzoumi, DalilaAliane, HassinaNouali, Omar2013-12-042013-12-042011-10-19978-1-4577-1126-8 semantic web services have been introduced to better describe web services and improve their functioning. Several approaches have been proposed in this field. The most used is OWL-S, where the discovery is to match the user query and the service profile of OWL-S service. In this paper we present a query reformulation approach for searching semantic web services. We propose three methods to enrich the query by exploiting the semantic relationships given by synonymy and derivatives of the WordNet ontology. We select the semantic web services through a matching between the query and ontologies of semantic web services OWL-S using semantic and syntactic similarity measuresdiscovery of semantic web services; matching; query expansion; WordNet; semantic similarityQueries reformulation for semantic web services discoveryIEEE