Component-based Hypervideo Model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos
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Hypervideo offers enhanced video-centric experiences with attractive and powerful features. Usually defined from a hypermedia perspective, the lack for a dedicated specification prevents hypervideo domain and concepts from being broadly investigated. This article proposes a formal hyper¬video model beyond conventional and very general ones. Followingtheprinciples of component-based modeling and annotation-driven content abstracting, CHM – the proposed Component-based Hypervideo Model - is a high level rep-resentation of hypervideos that intends to expose a gen¬eral, easy to use, comprehensive, expressive, intuitive and dedicated hypervideo data model. Considered as a video-¬centric interactive document, the CHM hypervideo presen¬tation and interaction features are emphasized throughhigh level document operational specification. Our annotation¬-driven approach promotes a clear separation of data from video content and document visualizations. The model serves as a basis for a Web-oriented implementation that provides a declarative syntax and accompanying tools for hypervideo documents design in a simple yet powerful and Web standards¬ compliant manner.
Hypervideo, Annotation, Component-based modeling, Time and Synchronization, Timeline Reference, CHM