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    An Architectural Model for a Mobile Agents System Interoperability
    (Springer, 2007) Zeghache, Linda; Badache, Nadjib; El Maouhab, Aouaouche
    An important goal in mobile agent technology is interoperability between various agent systems. A way of achieving this goal would be to envisage a standard to be imposed on these various “agents systems” in order to allow the inter-working of various architectures of mobile agents. During the past years, different scientific communities proposed to different standardization actions, such as the Foundation for Physical Intelligent Agents (FIPA) and the Object Management Group’s MASIF (Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities). Although, they finally share some major targets, the OMG and FIPA current results show their distinct origins, particularly for interoperability between or within distributed systems. In this paper, we first analyze the similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of the Object Management Group (OMG) mobile agent and the Foundations for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) intelligent agent approaches. Based on this analysis, we try to integrate these two standards to propose an architectural model for mobile agents system interoperability
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    ELS: Energy-Aware Some-for-Some Location Service for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006) Derhab, Abdelouahid; Badache, Nadjib; Tari, Karim; Sami, Sihem
    In this paper, we propose a new location service for Ad hoc mobile networks. The network area is divided into non-overlapping zones. Using a hash function, a node identifier is mapped to a set of zones, in which the location information of the node are stored. We also propose a location information distribution scheme that achieves low rate of outdated location information. Using cross-layer design, the service can tolerate servers mobility and failure, and last for a long time period. Simulation Results show that the proposed location service experiences low overhead and high location information availability and accuracy.
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    Performance Analysis of Binding Update in Mobile IP during Handoff
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004) Tandjaoui, Djamel; Badache, Nadjib; Bouabdallah, Abdelmadjid
    Mobile IP protocol was proposed to handle users mobility on Internet. However, Mobile IP suffers from many drawbacks especially handoff latency. In this paper, we investigate the loss of successive binding update requests and their impact on handoff latency. We show that handoff latency increases in case of successive binding update requests loss. We propose an enhancement of binding update in Mobile IP. It consists on reducing the timeout to half just after the loss of the first binding update. So, the mobile node sends two binding update requests within a timeout. By doing so, we increase the probability that one binding update request reach the home agent. We present an analytical model of handoff latency based on packets loss probability. The simulation shows that our solution reduces considerably the additional handoff latency induced by successive binding update requests loss.
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    Selfish Behavior on Packet Forwarding: An Emergent Security Problem in MANET
    (Auerback Publisher, 2008) Djenouri, Djamel; Badache, Nadjib
    The limitation in energy resources along with the multi-hop nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) causes a new vulnerability, that does not exist in traditional networks. To preserve its own battery, a node may behave selfishly and would not forward packets originated from other nodes, while using their services and consuming their resources. This deviation from the correct behavior represents a potential threat against the quality and the availability of the forwarding service. Recently, this challenging problem received more and more attention among researchers, and some solutions have been proposed. Still, to the best of our knowledge, no paper surveying these solutions has been published yet. In this entry, we deal with the emergent problem of node selfishness in MANETs, and we provide a state-of-the-art on the current proposed solutions.