Revisiting Directed Diffusion In The Era Of IoT-WSNs : Power Control For Adaptation to High Density

dc.contributor.authorKhelladi, Lyes
dc.description.abstractWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been recognized as a crucial and enabling technology in the world of Internet of Things (IoT). However, their integration with IoT arises new design challenges, compared to conventional WSNs applications. This paper addresses the challenge of high node density and its impact on the design of IoT-WSNs routing protocols. We propose a power-aware topology control mechanism built upon the prominent routing scheme, Directed Diffusion. Moreover, we take benefit from the power-awareness feature of the topology control mechanism in order to compute an energy consumption metric, allowing the selection of energy-efficient routes. The simulation results demonstrate an improvement by the proposed protocol in terms of energy efficiency, data reporting delays and delivery success rate.fr_FR
dc.publisherIEEE Xplorefr_FR
dc.relation.placeLarnaca, chyprefr_FR
dc.structureRéseaux Large Bande et Réseaux sans fil (BROADBAND AND WIRELESS NETWORKING)fr_FR
dc.subjectWireless Sensor Networksfr_FR
dc.subjectInternet of Thingsfr_FR
dc.subjectRouting Protocolsfr_FR
dc.titleRevisiting Directed Diffusion In The Era Of IoT-WSNs : Power Control For Adaptation to High Densityfr_FR
dc.typeConference paper
