Ubiquitous sensor network management: The least interference beaconing model

dc.contributor.authorBagula, Antoine
dc.contributor.authorDjenouri, Djamel
dc.contributor.authorKarbab, Elmouatezbillah
dc.description.abstractNetwork management is revisited in the emerging ubiquitous sensor networks (USNs) that form the Internet-ofthe- Things (IoT) with the objective of evaluating the impact of traffic engineering on energy efficiency and assessing if routing simplicity translates into scalability. USN management is formulated as a local optimization problem minimizing the number of traffic flows transiting by a node: the nodes traffic flow interference with other nodes. The least interference beaconing algorithm (LIBA) is proposed as an algorithmic solution to the problem, and the least interference beaconing protocol (LIBP) as its protocol implementation. LIBP extends the beaconing process widely used by collection protocols with load balancing to improve the USN energy efficiency. Simulation results reveal the relative efficiency of the resulting traffic engineering scheme compared to state of the art protocols. These results show up to 30% reduction in power consumption compared to TinyOS beaconing (TOB), and up to 40% compared to collection tree protocol (CTP) while sustaining better performance in terms of scalabilityfr_FR
dc.publisherIEEE Communication Scocietyfr_FR
dc.relation.ispartofIEEE PIMRC (24th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications)fr_FR
dc.relation.placeLondon, United Kingdomfr_FR
dc.structureRéseaux de Capteurs et Applicationsfr_FR
dc.subjectInternet of things, Ubiquitous sensor networks, Routing Protocolsfr_FR
dc.titleUbiquitous sensor network management: The least interference beaconing modelfr_FR
dc.typeConference paper
