A Study on the Energy Consumption Minimisation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

dc.contributor.authorDjenouri, Djamel
dc.contributor.authorBadache, Nadjib
dc.description.abstractThe emergence of lightweight wireless mobile devices, like laptops, PDAs, and sensors makes mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) an exciting and important research area in recent years. The MANET community have been concentrating on some problems related to the network layer, especially on the routing protocols. But regarding the MAC level, little has been done. No novel protocol has been proposed but traditional wireless MAC protocols have been largely adopted. Our contribution in this paper is the deep investigation of the mobility impacts on MAC protocols in MANETs, using the GloMoSim simulation tool. We think we are the first who consider nodes’ mobility when analyzing MAC protocols in MANETs.fr_FR
dc.description.abstractpower consumed for routing data-packets in wireless ad hoc networks can be significantly reduced compared with the current min-hop max-power routing protocols. One of promising mechanisms proposed to reduce energy consumption is power control. Doshi & Timothy [SDT02B] have presented an implementation of this mechanism, and defined a new minimum energy routing scheme. We think that the aim of an efficient routing protocol is not only to minimize energy consumption to route packets, but also to ensure a long life to all nodes. In order to avoid the network partition as long as possible. In this paper, we define new metrics to resolve the tradeoff between: minimising energy consumption to route packets, on the one hand, and ensuring a long life to all nodes’ batteries, on the other hand. We also define a new technique which allows the distribution of the routing task over nodes then we modify DSR protocol, to improve it and to make a new power-aware and power efficient protocol. Keywords:fr_FR
dc.relation.ispartofInternational Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT'03)
dc.relation.placeAlexandria, Egyptfr_FR
dc.structureRéseaux de Capteurs et Applicationsfr_FR
dc.subjectMobile ad hoc networksfr_FR
dc.titleA Study on the Energy Consumption Minimisation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networksfr_FR
dc.typeConference paper
