A spatial model for editing multimedia documents
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Dans le domaine de l’édition et de documents multimédia, la gestion du placement spatial des objets constitue un des points le plus délicats dans la conception de documents. Il s'agit de pouvoir exprimer les relations spatiales entre les objets et de garantir leur cohérence. Cette gestion est représentée par un modèle dont les performances se mesurent par sa puissance d’expressivité, sa précision de placement et par la spécification du recouvrement désiré. Un des éléments déterminant dans les performances d’un modèle spatial est la distance associée aux relations. Dans cet article, nous présentons une nouvelle définition de la distance qui donne un grand degré d’expressivité et de précision aux relations et permet la spécification du recouvrement désiré dans un document multimédia.
In the multimedia documents authoring systems the management of spatial and temporal inter-objects relations is the most delicate task. Spatial relations management refers to the appropriate means to express relations between the document objects and guarantee their consistency. Usually it is represented by spatial model which performances depend on its expressivity degree, on its positioning precision and on the ability to express a desired overlap. One of the most important factors that affect performances is the distance associated to the relations. To enhance the expressivity and precision degrees and to allow the specification of desired overlap, we introduce, in this paper, the flexible distance concept.
In the multimedia documents authoring systems the management of spatial and temporal inter-objects relations is the most delicate task. Spatial relations management refers to the appropriate means to express relations between the document objects and guarantee their consistency. Usually it is represented by spatial model which performances depend on its expressivity degree, on its positioning precision and on the ability to express a desired overlap. One of the most important factors that affect performances is the distance associated to the relations. To enhance the expressivity and precision degrees and to allow the specification of desired overlap, we introduce, in this paper, the flexible distance concept.
Multimedia documents, spatial model, flexible distance