Spatial adaptation of multimedia documents



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With the proliferation of heterogeneous devices (desktop computers, personal digital assistants, phones), multimedia documents must be played under various constraints (small screens, low bandwidth). Taking these constraints into account with current document models is impossible. Hence, generic source documents must be adapted or transformed into documents compatible with the target contexts. The adaptation consists in modifying this specification of the document in a minimal way to lead it to satisfy the target profile. The profile defines constraints that must be satisfied by the document to be played. At this level, the transgressive adaptation becomes necessary when no specification model exists to satisfy this profile. We focus on the spatial dimension of a multimedia document and we provide an approach to the spatial adaptation of multimedia documents that permit to best preserve the initial document semantic by weighting the conceptual neighborhood graph and the integration of the distances relaxation



Multimedia document, Spatial adaptation, Conceptual neighborhood graph, Conceptual neighborhood, Distance relaxation




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