A novel descriptor (LGBQ) based on Gabor filters



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Recently, many existing automatic facial verification methods have focused on learning the optimal distance measurements between facials. Especially in the case of learning facial features by similarity which can make the proposed descriptors too weak. To justify filling this gap, we have proposed a new descriptor called Local Binary Gabor Quantization (LGBQ) for 3/2D face verification based on Gabor filters and uses tensor subspace transformation. Our main idea is to binarize the responses of eight Gabor filters based on eight orientations as a binary code which is converted into a decimal number and combines the advantage of three methods: Gabor, LBP, and LPQ. These descriptors provide more robustness to shape variations in face parts such as expression, pose, lighting, and scale. To do this, we have chosen to merge two techniques which are multilinear whitened principal component analysis (MWPCA) and tensor exponential discriminant analysis (TEDA). The experimentation is using two publicly available databases, namely, Bhosphorus, and CASIA 3D face database. The results show the supremacy of our method in terms of accuracy and execution time compared to state-of-the-art methods.



Binarisation Gabor filter, Face verification, LGBQ, Tensor subspace, MWPCA, TEDA, LBP, LPQ, Tensor exponential discriminant analysis, Local Binary Pattern, Local Phase Quantization




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