Detection and Description the Lesions in Brain Images

dc.contributor.authorLassouaoui, Nadia
dc.contributor.authorHamami, Latifa
dc.contributor.authorNouali-Taboudjemat, Nadia
dc.contributor.authorHadjar, Samir
dc.contributor.authorSaadi, Hocine
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we present the various stages for lesion recognition in brain images. We firstly apply a filtering based on geodesic reconstruction operator for increasing the quality of image. After, we use an unsupervised segmentation genetic algorithm for detecting the abnormal zones with respect of theirs morphological characteristics because they define the nature of illness (cyst, tumour, malignant, benign, …). The obtained segmented images are analyzed for computing the characteristics of illness which are necessary for the recognition stage for deducing a decision about the type of illness. So, we give also the various algorithms used for computing the morphological characteristics of lesions (size, shape, position, texture, …). Since we obtain a decision about the malignity or benignity of the lesion and a quantitative information for helping the doctors to locate the sick part.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversity Cadi Ayyad (Marroc)fr_FR
dc.relation.ispartofICMS 2005: International Conference on Modeling and Simulation: General Applications and Models in Engineering Science : Marrakech, Morocco 22, 23, 24 November 2005 : Proceedingsfr_FR
dc.relation.placeMarrakech, Moroccofr_FR
dc.subjectBrain image Filteringfr_FR
dc.subjectMedical imagefr_FR
dc.subjectLesion recognitionfr_FR
dc.subjectGeodesic reconstructionfr_FR
dc.titleDetection and Description the Lesions in Brain Imagesfr_FR
dc.typeConference paper
