CHM: an annotation-and component-based hypervideo model for the Web



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Springer Verlag


Hypervideos are hypermedia documents that focus on video content. While they have long been deployed using specialized software or even hardware, the Web now offers a ground for them to fit into standardized languages and implementations. However, hypervideo design also currently uses very specific models limited to a single class of documents, or very generic hypermedia models that may not appropriately express their specific features. In this article we describe such features, and we introduce CHM, an annotation-driven and component-based model to conceptualize hypervideos through a high level operational specification. An extensible set of high level components is defined to emphasize the presentation and interaction features modeling, while lower level components offer more flexibility and customization opportunities. Being annotation-based, the model promotes a clear separation between video content/metadata and their various potential presentations. We also describe WebCHM, an implementation of CHM with standard Web technologies that provides a general framework to experiment with hypervideos on the Web. Two examples are provided as well as a preliminary usage study of the model and its implementation to validate our claims and proposals.



Annotation, Advene, CHM, Hypervideo, Component, Time and Synchronization, WebCHM




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