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    Extension of the Wahl-Rothermel temporal model for the multimedia documents
    (2007-04-12) Maredj, Azze-Eddine; Alimazighi, Zaia; Sadallah, Madjid
    Multimedia presentation defines composition of different media having inherent or assigned temporal behavior: text, images, animations, audio and video. Temporal composition is the most important feature of multimedia presentations because it defines the overall scheduling of temporal events. In this paper, our goal is to propose an extension of Whal and Rothermel temporal model to increase its degree of expressiveness. For that, a new delay definition is proposed.
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    Un modèle logique de documents pour les interactions multimédia
    (JTEA, 2008-05-02) Maredj, Azze-Eddine; Alimazighi, Zaia; Tonkin, Nourredine; Sadallah, Madjid
    La dimension temporelle d’un document multimédia interactif confère à ses objets des comportements différents de ceux d’un document classique. De nouveaux besoins de lecture doivent être considérés pour maîtriser sa complexité de perception. Les interactions utilisateur sont une solution à ces besoins. Toutefois, dans les systèmes multimédia actuels, c’est uniquement sur les objets du document que reposent ces interactions et de plus le lecteur est réduit à un rôle passif. Dans cet article, nous proposons un modèle logique de documents multimédia où les objets ne sont plus perçus comme des entités indissociables mais peuvent être regroupés en scènes définissant des parcours de lecture selon le besoin. De plus, le lecteur peut définir ses propres parcours de lecture. Un ensemble de mécanismes d’interactions y est proposé. --------------- The temporal dimension of an interactive multimedia document confers to its objects behaviors different from those of a traditional document. New needs for reading must be considered to control its complexity of perception. The user interactions are a solution to these needs. However, in the current multimedia systems, the interactions are based only on the document objects and the reader is reduced to a passive role. In this paper, we propose a logical model for multimedia documents where the objects are no longer seen as inseparable entities but can be grouped into scenes defining paths of reading as needed. In addition, the reader can define its own paths of reading. A set of interaction mechanisms is proposed.
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    Spatial adaptation of multimedia documents
    (2011-05) Maredj, Azze-Eddine; Tonkin, Nourredine
    With the proliferation of heterogeneous devices (desktop computers, personal digital assistants, phones), multimedia documents must be played under various constraints (small screens, low bandwidth). Taking these constraints into account with current document models is impossible. Hence, generic source documents must be adapted or transformed into documents compatible with the target contexts. The adaptation consists in modifying this specification of the document in a minimal way to lead it to satisfy the target profile. The profile defines constraints that must be satisfied by the document to be played. At this level, the transgressive adaptation becomes necessary when no specification model exists to satisfy this profile. We focus on the spatial dimension of a multimedia document and we provide an approach to the spatial adaptation of multimedia documents that permit to best preserve the initial document semantic by weighting the conceptual neighborhood graph and the integration of the distances relaxation
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    Extending the Conceptual Neighborhood Graph of the Relations for the Semantic Adaptation of Multimedia Documents
    (WASET, 2012-06) Maredj, Azze-Eddine; Tonkin, Nourredine
    The recent developments in computing and communication technology permit to users to access multimedia documents with variety of devices (PCs, PDAs, mobile phones…) having heterogeneous capabilities. This diversification of supports has trained the need to adapt multimedia documents according to their execution contexts. A semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation based on the conceptual neighborhood graphs was proposed. In this framework, adapting consists on finding another specification that satisfies the target constraints and which is as close as possible from the initial document. In this paper, we propose a new way of building the conceptual neighborhood graphs to best preserve the proximity between the adapted and the original documents and to deal with more elaborated relations models by integrating the relations relaxation graphs that permit to handle the delays and the distances defined within the relations
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    Semantic Approach for the Spatial Adaptation of Multimedia Documents
    (Academy Publisher, 2012-05) Maredj, Azze-Eddine; Tonkin, Nourredine
    With the proliferation of heterogeneous devices (desktop computers, personal digital assistants, phones), multimedia documents must be played under various constraints (small screens, low bandwidth, etc). Taking these constraints into account with current document models is impossible. Hence, generic source documents must be adapted or transformed into documents compatibles with the target contexts. The adaptation consists of modifying this specification of the document in a minimal way to lead it to satisfy the target profile. The profile defines constraints that must be satisfied by the document to be played. At this level, the transgressive adaptation becomes necessary when no specification model exists to satisfy this profile. We focus on the spatial dimension of a multimedia document and we provide an approach for the spatial adaptation that permits to best preserve the initial document semantic. In the proposed transgressive adaptation, the relations that do not comply with the target profile are not most often replaced by the closest ones due to the fact that their immediate neighboring relations have the same similarity degree whereas there may exist differences between them. In this paper, we extend this approach to, firstly, best preserve the proximity between the adapted and the original documents by weighting the arcs of the conceptual neighborhood graphs and secondly, to deal with complex relations models by integrating the concept of the relations relaxation graphs that permit to handle the distances defined within the relations.