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Item Performance Analysis of Binding Update in Mobile IP during Handoff(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004) Tandjaoui, Djamel; Badache, Nadjib; Bouabdallah, AbdelmadjidMobile IP protocol was proposed to handle users mobility on Internet. However, Mobile IP suffers from many drawbacks especially handoff latency. In this paper, we investigate the loss of successive binding update requests and their impact on handoff latency. We show that handoff latency increases in case of successive binding update requests loss. We propose an enhancement of binding update in Mobile IP. It consists on reducing the timeout to half just after the loss of the first binding update. So, the mobile node sends two binding update requests within a timeout. By doing so, we increase the probability that one binding update request reach the home agent. We present an analytical model of handoff latency based on packets loss probability. The simulation shows that our solution reduces considerably the additional handoff latency induced by successive binding update requests loss.Item ELS: Energy-Aware Some-for-Some Location Service for Ad Hoc Mobile Networks(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006) Derhab, Abdelouahid; Badache, Nadjib; Tari, Karim; Sami, SihemIn this paper, we propose a new location service for Ad hoc mobile networks. The network area is divided into non-overlapping zones. Using a hash function, a node identifier is mapped to a set of zones, in which the location information of the node are stored. We also propose a location information distribution scheme that achieves low rate of outdated location information. Using cross-layer design, the service can tolerate servers mobility and failure, and last for a long time period. Simulation Results show that the proposed location service experiences low overhead and high location information availability and accuracy.Item An Architectural Model for a Mobile Agents System Interoperability(Springer, 2007) Zeghache, Linda; Badache, Nadjib; El Maouhab, AouaoucheAn important goal in mobile agent technology is interoperability between various agent systems. A way of achieving this goal would be to envisage a standard to be imposed on these various “agents systems” in order to allow the inter-working of various architectures of mobile agents. During the past years, different scientific communities proposed to different standardization actions, such as the Foundation for Physical Intelligent Agents (FIPA) and the Object Management Group’s MASIF (Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities). Although, they finally share some major targets, the OMG and FIPA current results show their distinct origins, particularly for interoperability between or within distributed systems. In this paper, we first analyze the similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages of the Object Management Group (OMG) mobile agent and the Foundations for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) intelligent agent approaches. Based on this analysis, we try to integrate these two standards to propose an architectural model for mobile agents system interoperabilityItem SQUIRREL: Self-Organizing Qos-roUting for IntRa-flow Contention in Ad-Hoc wiRELess Networks(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008) Derhab, AbdelouahidIn this paper, we use the self-organizing paradigms presented in [1] to design a new QoS-routing intra-flow contention-based protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks, called SQUIRREL. The admission control component of SQUIRREL, called: Scalable and Accurate Admission control (SAICAC), has two variants: SAICAC-Power and SAICAC-CS. SAICAC-Power estimates channel bandwidth availability through high power transmissions and SAICAC-CS through passive monitoring of the channel. Contrary to the existing intra-flow contention-based protocols, SQUIRREL can ensure all the properties of a self-organizing system and can achieve the best results in terms of of message overhead, delay, and scalability.Item Selfish Behavior on Packet Forwarding: An Emergent Security Problem in MANET(Auerback Publisher, 2008) Djenouri, Djamel; Badache, NadjibThe limitation in energy resources along with the multi-hop nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) causes a new vulnerability, that does not exist in traditional networks. To preserve its own battery, a node may behave selfishly and would not forward packets originated from other nodes, while using their services and consuming their resources. This deviation from the correct behavior represents a potential threat against the quality and the availability of the forwarding service. Recently, this challenging problem received more and more attention among researchers, and some solutions have been proposed. Still, to the best of our knowledge, no paper surveying these solutions has been published yet. In this entry, we deal with the emergent problem of node selfishness in MANETs, and we provide a state-of-the-art on the current proposed solutions.Item Low-Cost and Accurate Intra-flow Contention-Based Admission Control for IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008) Derhab, AbdelouahidIn this paper, we propose a new admission control method for IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks, called Low-cost and Accurate Admission control (LAAC). The proposed method has two variants: LAAC-Power and LAAC-CS. LAAC-Power estimates channel bandwidth availability through high power transmissions and LAAC-CS through passive monitoring of the channel. Due to the shared nature of the wireless medium, contention occurs among the nodes along a multi-hop path, which leads to intra-flow contention. LAAC accurately estimates the intra-flow contention. In addition, an analytical study demonstrates that LAAC achieves optimal results in terms of overhead and delay compared to the existing intra-flow contention-based admission control methods. LAAC also utilizes two criteria for accepting flows: one during the route request phase and the other during the route reply phase, which helps to reduce message overhead and avoid flooding route requests in hot spots. Simulation results show that LAAC-CS outperforms LAAC-Power in terms of packet delivery ratio, throughput, message overhead, and energy consumption.Item P2P B&B and GA for the Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem(Springer-Verlag, 2008-09) Bendjoudi, Ahcène; Guerdah, Samir; Mansoura, Madjid; Melab, Nouredine; Talbi, El-GhazaliSolving exactly Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COPs) using a Branch-and-Bound algorithm (B&B) requires a huge amount of computational resources. The efficiency of such algorithm can be improved by its hybridization with meta-heuristics such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) which proved their effectiveness, since they generate acceptable solutions in a reasonable time. Moreover, distributing at large scale the computation, using for instance Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Computing, provides an efficient way to reach high computing performance. In this chapter, we propose ParallelBB and ParallelGA, which are P2P-based parallelization of the B&B and GA algorithms for the computational Grid. The two algorithms have been implemented using the ProActive distributed object Grid middleware. The algorithms have been applied to a mono-criterion permutation flow-shop scheduling problem and promisingly experimented on the Grid5000 computational Grid.Item Information Security in Wireless Sensor Networks(World Scientific, 2009-10) Ouadjaout, Abdelraouf; Bagaa, Miloud; Bachir, Abdelmalik; Challal, Yacine; Lasla, Noureddine; Khelladi, LyesIn this chapter, we provide a comprehensive survey of security issues in wireless sensor networks. We show that the main features of WSNs, namely their limited resources, wireless communications, and close physical coupling with environment, are the main causes of the their security vulnerabilities. We discuss the main attacks stemming from these vulnerabilities, along with the solutions proposed in the literature to cope with them. The security solutions are analyzed with respect to the different layers of the network protocol stack and cover the following issues: Key management, secure data dissemination, secure data aggregation, secure channel access and secure node compromise.Item A Formal Approach for a Self Organizing Protocol Inspired by Bacteria Colonies: Production System Application(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010) Mellah, Hakima; Hassas, Salima; Drias, Habiba; Raiah, A.; Tiguemoumine, A.Any dysfunction in production system (PS) is likely to be very expensive; so modelling by Multi Agent Systems (MAS) makes the production system (PS) possible to have aspects of robustness, reactivity and flexibility, which allow the PS control to be powerful and to react to all the risks being able to occur. In order to have a fault-tolerant PS, we propose when and how to recourse to a self organizing protocol making the MAS capable of changing its communication structure or organization, and thus reorganizing itself without any external intervention.Item A Comparison on MANETs’ Service Replication Schemes: Interest versus Topology Prediction(Springer, 2010) Derhab, Abdelouahid; Hamdy, Mohamed; König-Ries, BirgittaMobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are characterized by high dynamics in particular with respect to the formation of network partitions. The presence of unconnected partitions makes the deployed services inaccessible to some network participants. Service replication is employed as an approach to overcome this problem and to ensure higher service availability. Several protocols and algorithms for service replication in MANETs have been proposed. Most of these approaches apply topological analysis (like partitioning prediction) schemes to produce the required replication decisions. One approach, SDP, the Service Distribution Protocol, bases its decisions on analyzing interest in the service, an application layer concept. In this paper, we compare the performance of approaches based on these two criteria. First, we analyze protocols based on topology prediction and choose two typical representatives of this category, namely PSRP and SSRP. We then compare SDP as the only candidate using service interest to these two approaches. This comparison is based on an extensive set of simulation runs which are discussed in detail in the paper.Item Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Detection and lsolation of Selfish Nodes(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010-11) Djenouri, Djamel; Badache, NadjibItem Optimisation de la Consommation d'energie pour le Routage dans les Reseaux Mobiles Ad hoc(Editions Universitaires Europeennes, 2011) Djenouri, Djamel; Badache, NadjibItem Tags Weighting Based on User Profile(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011) Kichou, Saida; Mellah, Hakima; Amghar, Youssef; Dahak, FouadThe ’Collaborative Tagging’ is gaining popularity on Web 2.0, this new generation of Web which makes user reader/writer. The ’Tagging’ is a mean for users to express themselves freely through additions of label called ’Tags’ to shared resources. One of the problems encountered in current tagging systems is to define the most appropriate tag for a resource. Tags are typically listed in order of popularity, as del-icio-us. But the popularity of the tag does not always reflect its importance and representativeness for the resource to which it is associated. Starting from the assumptions that the same tag for a resource can take different meanings for different users, and a tag from a knowledgeable user would be more important than a tag from a novice user, we propose an approach for weighting resource’s tags based on user profile. For this we define a user model for his integration in the tag weight calculation and a formula for this calculation, based on three factors namely the user, the degree of approximation between his interest centers and the resource field, expertise and personal assessment for tags associated to the resource. A resource descriptor containing the best tags is created.Item SecuRights(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011) Khenak, FerhatThe technicality is no longer an obstacle; the issue of any environment of E-Learning (before) or V-Learning (now) is the production then the protection (in terms of security and confidentiality) of the content flowing through it. As part of our national policy of Visual Informatics For Education (VIFE), specifically for our Algerian V-Learning Network (AVN), which is a device of distributed interactive learning spread over all our vast territory according to a new concept based on the principle of the Online Video Learning via Internet and/or by Satellite; we have developed an encryption method enabling a certain security of copyrights. This paper discusses this method and presents its SecuRights system based on a distributed random algorithm.Item Special Issue on Interconnections of Wireless Sensor Networks(InderScience, 2011-05) Derhab, Abdelouahid; Djenouri, Djamel; Jianguo, DingItem Multi-Agent Liquidity Risk Management in an Interbank Net Settlement System(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012) Hedjazi Dellal, Badiâa; Ahmed-Nacer, Mohamed; Aknine, Samir; Benatchba, KarimaA net settlement system is a payment system between banks, where a large number of transactions are accumulated, usually waiting until the end of each day to be settled through payment instruments like: wire transfers, direct debits, cheques, .... These systems also provide clearing functions to reduce interbank payments but are sometimes exposed to liquidity risks. Monitoring, and optimizing the interbank exchanges through suitable tools is useful for the proper functioning of these systems. The goal is to add to these systems an intelligent software layer integrated with the existing system for the improvement of transactions processing and consequently avoid deadlock situations, deficiencies and improve system efficiency. We model and develop by multi-agent an intelligent tracking system of the interbank exchanged transactions to optimize payments settlement and minimize liquidity risks.Item Reducing Thread Divergence in GPU-Based B&B Applied to the Flow-Shop Problem(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012) Chakroun, Imen; Bendjoudi, Ahcène; Melab, NouredineIn this paper,we propose a pioneering work on designing and programming B&B algorithms on GPU. To the best of our knowledge, no contribution has been proposed to raise such challenge. We focus on the parallel evaluation of the bounds for the Flow-shop scheduling problem. To deal with thread divergence caused by the bounding operation, we investigate two software based approaches called thread data reordering and branch refactoring. Experiments reported that parallel evaluation of bounds speeds up execution up to 54.5 times compared to a CPU version.Item An Ω-Based Leader Election Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012) Melit, Leila; Badache, NadjibLeader election is a fundamental control problem in both wired and wireless systems. The classical statement of the leader election problem in distributed systems is to eventually elect a unique leader from a fixed set of nodes. However, in MANETS, many complications may arise due to frequent and unpredictable topological changes. This paper presents a leader election algorithm based on the omega failures detector, where inter-node communication is allowed only among the neighboring nodes along with proofs of correctness. This algorithm ensures that every connected component of the mobile ad hoc network will eventually elect a unique leader, which is the node of the highest priority value from among all nodes within that connected component. The algorithm can tolerate intermittent failures, such as link failures, network partitions, and merging of connected network components.Item Parallel GPU-Accelerated Metaheuristics(CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013) Loukil, Lakhdar; Silhadi-Mehdi, Malika; Bendjoudi, Ahcène; Melab, NouredineItem Providing Reliability for Transactional Mobile Agents(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013) Zeghache, Linda; Hurfin, Michel; Moise, Izabela; Badache, NadjibA transactional agent is a mobile agent that migrates from a site to another one in order to execute a distributed transaction assigned by a user. Works on transactional mobile agents have identified two problems that can not be solved by the agent alone. The first one is related to the reliability. The lack of a fault tolerant infrastructure and methodologies that address fault tolerant execution of mobile agents highlights a major drawback of this technology. The second problem for which the agent needs assistance is related to the atomic validation of the transaction. In this paper we address the mobile agent fault tolerance and the transactional support.